Thursday, July 23, 2009

VOGUE en Francais

Sometimes when I have a day off, I will go to Chapters, the one on Howe and Robson, and sit in the magazine section and browse through five or six or seven magazines to make sure I buy the one, or two, that have the best fashion editorials. 
The other day the magazine that caught my eye was French VOGUE. Nevermind that I don't know a word of french, other than 'un petit peu' for how much milk and sugar I take in my coffee-learned that one in France, and other random words I've picked up from books and what not. Certainly not enough to make sense of a full article, but I reasoned that my $12 was well spent on a foreign magazine because the fashions would be incredible. I've only just flipped through the first few pages, but I was right! I'll be lost in the world of VOGUE for the next hour or so....

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